Title: Potty Training 101: Setting Up the Poop Tray for Our Classic Tales Litter! 🐾✨
Time for the three week old miniature golden retriever puppies out of our Classic Tails Litter are old enough to start learning how to use a potty tray and helps us keep things clean until they can start potting outside.
Navigating Puppy Behaviors: A Guide to a Happier Home with Robyn’s Nest Mini Goldens
Navigating Puppy Behaviors: A Guide to a Happier Home with Robyn’s Nest Mini Goldens. Discussing dog and puppy jumping, puppy and dog begging, puppy and dog potting in the house, digging holes in the yard, puppies not sleeping through the night and the power of positive reinforcement and consistency and persistence
Tackling Resource Guarding in Mini Goldens: Tips for a Happy, Healthy Pup
Ways to nip resource guarding in the bud with positive reinforcement.
Resource guarding is a common behavior among dogs that can be concerning for pet owners. At Robyn’s Nest Mini Goldens, we believe in addressing this behavior early on with positive reinforcement techniques. Resource guarding often stems from a place of fear, and it’s crucial to nip it in the bud at the first signs to ensure a harmonious relationship with your furry friend
Going into having a new puppy with a good game plan and having your family on the same page is crucial for several reasons:
Getting on the same page as a game plan with your new puppy and some things that can make your first couple months easier with your new puppy.
Paws and Reflect: Episode 6 – Mastering ‘Stay’ with John’s Tailored Training Tips
Stay Training for your puppy or dog with John and Koa
Episode 5 of Paws and Reflect Training With John and Koa Mastering “Target”
How to train your dog for target with your hand. This can help with recall as well.
Training your dog to use bells on the door to ask to go out can be a helpful communication tool. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to train your dog to use bells:
Want your puppy to have bells to ring to ask to go outside? Here is a step by step on how to train your puppy to use bells to ask to go outside.
Training your dog to use talking buttons to communicate can be a fun and interactive way to enhance their communication skills. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start training your dog to use talking buttons:
Step by step instructions on how to train your dog to use talking buttons to communicate.
Paws and Reflect: Episode 4 – Mastering ‘Down’ with John’s Tailored Training Tips
Basic dog and puppy training with John and Koa
Paws and Reflect: Episode 2 – Mastering ‘Sit’ with John’s Tailored Training Tips
Basic Puppy and Dog Training With John and Koa