Drawing of the first dogs in the Robyn’s Nest Mini Golden Line

Meet The Current Dogs In The Household And See What And How I Feed Our Dog.

Meet the current household and see what and how we feed the adult dogs

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We have Laurel who is visiting an she is one of our guardian home dogs. She has a red coat and a snuggly personality. Love having her here and watching her and the other younger dogs as they chase each other through the yard and house. Laurel is one of our future dames at Robyn’s Nest Mini Goldens. We look forward to being able to continue to watch her grow.

We also have Bentley who is still recovering from being neutered. We finally found a cone that is holding up and I love how it makes him our little budding flower. Bentley has found his forever home out in California and will be heading that direction towards the middle of February. We want to make sure he gets the chance for a full recovery. Very excited to see him settle in and be doted on.

Bentley’s Recovery cone- https://amzn.to/3Rhbq1N

We have the other dogs that are normal to the household. Penny who is our light golden miniature golden retriever. Her daughter Koa who is 5 months old with a light golden coat. Ari who is expecting her second litter towards the end of February and then Sophia Fox is expecting her first litter and we found out she is going to be having 14 puppies! Wowza!

We also go into what I feed my adult dogs here at Robyn’s Nest And how i give supplements and feed this many dogs. We have all of our dogs on PawTree food, Gastro Pro Plus and Salmon and Pollock oil. These three will help your dogs health to flourish. The Gastro Pro Plus is a probiotic, prebiotic with enzymes and tummy soothing herbs. This helps your dog break down and absorb their food easier. It also helps to build your dogs immune system since your 70% of their immune system is held in their gut. The salmon and pollock oil helps grease the wheel of all of their internal organs. This also helps to keep shedding to a minimum and gives them their thick lustrous coat.

Now after six months I do start our dogs on a bone and joint support tablet to nurture the fluid that they have because dogs can not produce more and once it is gone it is gone. We don’t want our dogs feeling arthritic before their time. I always give supplements separately than their food dish so one dog can’t rob another dog of what they were needing. We also start the CBD Mega at six months. This is given daily now. We used to do it on an as needed basis but learned all the continual benefits this gives to your dog including, keeping your dog calm, clearing up ear issues, and just about every system inside their bodies benefit. And you wouldn’t want a puppy to get a hold of the CBD Mega. So, we just air on the side of caution.

If you are wanting to check out PawTree here are some useful links https://pawtree.com/minigolden/coreoffers
