We still have a couple puppies that are looking for their forever home. Here at Robyn’s Nest, Mini Goldens when a puppy is here for any time longer than their regular, go home date we make sure to continue their socialization process. We like to make sure to start giving them exposure on different kinds of leashes, and we also like to give them exposure with a harness. This little snippet from our day is Dela the Mini Golden’s first time on a leash.
We took her outside for the first time on a slip leash. Since this is her first time, it’s not something that we’re taking her out for an immediate walk on the streets. Right now I’m just trying to get her used to the fact of being tethered to me. We’re not pushing through to any kind of direction but she is learning that I am the focal points and as I move she moves with me. There are a couple times that she does not want to go in the direction that I’m trying to leave her. So it’s a first time experience of having that tug away from what she is going for. And honestly for their first time out, we want to keep it as simple as that. We kind of walk them around the yard and the property outside of our facility.
This is an introduction. And each time we step out with her we will further advance towards our end goal. Today was the slip leash and around the yard and tomorrow is the hardest and up and down the street each time she gets exposed to these, she will get more and more familiar with the concept. I think she did amazing!
If anyone is interested in finding out more about the Puppies from Robyn’s Nest you can find info here https://robynsnestminigoldens.com/miniature-golden-retriever-puppies/
If you are interested in the slip leashes we use you can find the link here https://amzn.to/41sTpRK