Quick little training session after bringing the puppies back down to The Nest after a nice long day in the house. It’s Sunday so this is our day that we bring the house back in order and do the things that will set our coming week up for success. Also, allows us to have the puppies like Hudson and the couple others that we have used to vacuum cleaners and also just all the other things that go along with cleaning. Right now I am trying to get the puppies to not chase the broom. LOL. Hudson is doing a great job picking up on his commands. We make sure to do quick little sessions like this a couple times a day. This will help reinforce the command words and also gives him positive reinforcement with treats to make him want to continue doing it. Training sessions do not need to take up a long time. And at this age their attention spans are short. Doing these inside are a great start and once commands are being handled indoors its time to advance it and take it outside where more distractions are. That’s when you really know if they have focus and stay down. We are simply just working on simple puppy recall, sit and down. He already has these down pretty good on the basic level. Keep in mind with a treat in hand you can usually get your dog to listen. After working with them for awhile you can go to toy reward or affection reward. Keep in mind the keywords for each action and if you can add a motion with body language it makes it easier later on down the line because you can communicate not only through speaking but also hand motions. We will be putting up more videos as we work with this cutie! #puppyhousemanners#puppytraining#quickpuppytraining